How would you like to receive the addresses? |
(If you have purchased the Platinum membership, an account will automatically be established for you. Just go to the "Members Address Retrieval" page and fill in the information, please be sure to use the same E-mail address that you set up the membership with. The system will automatically keep tract of how much time and addresses you have remaining. You will receive an updated status report of your account each time you request an address or addresses. If you prefer to receive the addresses by one of the methods listed below please indicate by checking the preferred method, Platinum members must receive addresses by E-mail.)
E-mailed list of the addresses (No Charge)
Platinum package not available by postal mail!
U.S. Mail (there is a $3.00 fee for mailing anywhere in the United States)
FedEx or US Express Mail (for PO boxes) ($15 fee)
Fax (there is a $15.00 service fee for faxing anywhere in the United States)
If this method has been chosen please enter your fax number -
Registered International Air Mail ($15.00 fee)
International Express Mail (there is a $25.00 fee outside of the United states)